We had so much fun exploring the theme of Halloween at Treehouse Tots Preschool. We developed our math skills by counting seeds, sorting chocolate eyeballs, using number recognition with our ghost booklets and during the cake walk! We worked on literacy by practicing the uppercase and lowercase letters “Ww” for Witch and “Ff” for Frankenstein, by building letters at our writing center with real pumpkin seeds and during “Halloween Letter Bingo”. Tons of science activities were incorporated into our fun days, like our “Candy Corn Science Experiment” where we hypothesized what would happen next and when we did an “Internal Investigation” of our pumpkin!! We worked on our motor skills when we danced to Monster Mash every single day (if not multiple times a day) and on our Nature Walk to our neighborhood Pumpkin Patch. Learning is the best when it is disguised as play!!!